Open Your eyes dad..

Dear Daddy..

I’ve come to see you, but you wont see me.

You wont see me because you wont open your eyes.

I can see you though. I can see how much you have changed. I can see what vascular dementia has stripped you of your voice, your humour, your smile. I can see you, but you cant see me.

I know you can hear me, well, you can hear a voice. Of whom.. I’m not sure you know any more.

I don’t know if right now I need you to say my name or look at me. Both would be amazing, but I know both would be a huge ask right now. If you said my name it would mean you still know who I am.. that hadnt been stollen from you..and in return not stollen from me either.. Knowing that you know me is a feeling I cant put words to, its life to me in a world I struggle to be seen in. No one sees me, so maybe I need you to look at me.. but what use is sight with no vision.. Not much I dont think. Many have looked at me with no vision and its been a pointless engagement. They didnt know who I was either.

Anyways.. I just thought I would let you know that I am here, I see you even though you dont see me.

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